Rohan Bose
Hi, I am Rohan Bose. I am a PhD student and researcher in the chair of Connected Mobility at Technical University of Munich, mentored by Dr. Nitinder Mohan (TU Delft) and under supervision of Prof. Dr. Jörg Ott (TU Munich). My research interests lie in In-network computation, Internet Measurements, Satellite Networks, Network Observability & Telemetry.
PDF: A Multifaceted Look at Starlink Performance
A Multifaceted Look at Starlink Performance
Nitinder Mohan, Andrew E. Ferguson, Hendrik Cech, Rohan Bose, Prakita Rayyan Renatin, Mahesh K. Marina, Jörg Ott
ACM The Web Conference, 2024
PDF Image
Enabling Fine-Grained Packet Loss Monitoring in Cloud Networks
Rohan Bose, German Sviridov, Jorge Cardoso
13. September 2024
Paper Accepted: Our work It's a bird? It's a plane? It's CDN!: Investigating Content Delivery Networks in the LEO Satellite Networks Era has been accepted in ACM SIGCOMM HotNets' 2024.
2. August 2024
Paper Accepted: Our work Twinkle, Twinkle, Streaming Star: Illuminating CDN Performance over Starlink will be presented in the poster session of ACM IMC 2024 in Madrid 3-6 Nov. 2024
24. May 2024
Thank you TU Dresden and the TMA 2024 PhD School & Conference for hosting us. It was a valuable experience in presenting my poster and having fruitful discussion with fellow researchers.